Sky Writing

How to Be First

Contrary to popular belief, the first are often not the fastest, strongest, or those with the most money. The first, rather, are those who simply chose to do what others did not. The first are those that throw away the…

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The Secret to Making Winning Decisions


Do you find yourself not being able to make a decision, worried you might make the wrong one? Are you prone to having decision remorse - after you make a decision you can’t stop…

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How to Succeed Under Difficult Circumstances

Be Passionate About What You Do 

In climbing your mountain, you may find myself scared of taking risks, scared of failure. What gets me over fear is passion. In business it helps if you enjoy your product and the service…

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How to be a Trailblazer Others Will Want to Follow

Adventure is allowing the unexpected to happen. How can there be an adventure if you use a guidebook to arrange everything beforehand? - Richard Aldington 

A trailblazer uses fear to their advantage.  

Fear is healthy. It’s telling you to pause…

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Permission to reprint articles by Daniel is at no charge is granted with the agreement that:  

  • The article bio be included following each article used.  
  • One copy of the publication in which the article is published be provided to Daniel.  
  • A fee per article will be expected for articles published without the closing bio and contact information: $300.  

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  • Editing content and industry specific example exchange  
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